Valkyrie crusade mod civ 6
Valkyrie crusade mod civ 6

Theodora may prefer Work Ethic, as her high-adjacency Holy Sites already grant Culture and with this belief they can grant Production too. None of the other Follower beliefs truly benefit a warmonger. In terms of a Follower belief, Choral Music is your best choice as Basil II, since it helps you advance faster on the civic tree to reach Divine Right much earlier than normal (a Shrine and a Temple give you 6 Culture per city, and you will need 2 Temples anyway to trigger the Inspiration for Divine Right, which results in at least 12 extra Culture per turn).


Under Basil II, all of your cavalry units can receive 10 Combat Strength from Crusade, even more Combat Strength from this Taxis ability (read more below), and deal full damage to Walls and cities. Normally, you do not care whether you can have the first or the last Religion as long as you have one, and the only belief crucial to your game plan as Basil II is Crusade, which is not that heavily contested, unless you are playing multiplayer, then other players will try to snipe that belief from you knowing that Byzantium is in the game.Ĭrusade goes so well with the Byzantine toolkit, at least under Basil II, that it goes without saying this should be your priority whenever you first found your Religion. Ideally you would want 2 Holy Sites in your first two cities (recommended), or one Holy Site to run the Holy Site Prayers project a few times. Founding a Religion is of utmost importance when playing as Byzantium: if you fail in this, you basically do not have a game on your hands, since both Basil II's leader ability and the civilization ability rely heavily on this (yes, technically you can wait passively until an AI opponent spreads their faith into your empire, but it may be too late by then and no competent player would hand you a gun just so you can shoot them with it). That is no longer the case in Civilization VI.įor every Holy Site, Byzantium receives 2 Great Prophet points instead of 1, making them a lot more competitive in the race to found a Religion. Taxis Bonus to founding a Religion īack in Civilization V, Byzantium had a cool bonus towards Religion but had absolutely no bonus towards founding one, leaving them stranded in an awkward place and a huge part of their gameplay inconsistent and dependent on map generation. If Basil II manages to lead his people to the Medieval Era unscathed, he, assisted by a legion of Tagmata, will charge to the end of the earth and no layer of Walls can ever hold him back. Religion and Domination fuse together in a perfect union under the Byzantine banner. 1.1.3 Extra Combat Strength for each converted Holy City.

Valkyrie crusade mod civ 6