Office chat vs skype
Office chat vs skype

office chat vs skype

In 2019, Microsoft Teams surged past Slack in the number of daily active users - hitting 13 million in July. Slack was in a clear lead with Microsft Teams growing among enterprise customers but not so fast that Slack was worried. In 2023, it’s a different story.

#Office chat vs skype software

If you looked at the market share in the collaboration software space even a few years ago, it would have looked completely different. In this post, we’ll compare Microsoft Teams vs Slack and do a deep dive into their features, pricing, user experience, market shares, to help you answer this key question and pick a winner. Setting aside legal disputes for a moment and focusing back on productivity, which of the two options is the best choice for your business?

office chat vs skype

In short: it’s game on between the two companies. It’s a fierce market competition - more on that below - that goes beyond the number of users as Slack in 2020 filed a competition complaint against Microsoft in Europe alleging that Microsoft “illegally tied its Teams product into its market-dominant Office productivity suite”. In 2019, the team collaboration software market reached $9.5 billion globally.Īnd with the COVID-19 situation leading to a major shift towards remote work, collaboration and chat tools are more important than ever.īusinesses are rushing to implement collaboration software to keep their productivity high in these uncertain times.Īs you probably already know, besides the alternatives the two clear market leaders in the sector are Slack and Microsoft Teams.

Office chat vs skype